Who am I?

My name is Tiril Marie and I from Norway! I am married to an amazing husband and we have two dogs.

I found out later in life what I wanted to work with and I haven't looked back ever since deciding to become an computer engineer. Oh, how I love computers... I've been around computers my entire childhood and adult life and truly find everything about them fascinating.

Of course, I have other hobbies too which you can read all about! If you want to. I am not going to force you.

Plant lover

There is something theraputic when taking care of plants, somehow, you fade away into an empty mindspace, where your brain is finally allowed to breath. Taking care of plants and growing my own vegetables are amazing! The feeling of watching these tiny plants grow up to huge rewarding fruits is amazing. I will never stop growing my own food and taking care of all sorts of exciting indoor plants.


I love playing games. Every since I was a child, I used to sneak up to my mom's bedroom to use her computer to play Runescape. When I couldn't use her computer I would play on nintendo DS and gameboy, until i got my very own XBOX 360. Oh boi! That was a mistake, dear parents. Playing Halo was addictive and I played all day long after school. Eventually I got my first computer, which made me play games like Minecraft, the first versions, The Sims 1 and 2, Call of Duty, League of Legends and my all time favorite World of Warcraft.

Beer and wine brewing

This is fun to do! Making my own beer is defiently something my husband lovesssss that I do. We both like beer, so saving a couple of bucks by brewing your own and making whatever beer I feel like, is so exciting. I also like to make my own wine, however, this takes time to really perfect. Let's just say that I am still learning...

Game developing

Great fun and hobby! By making my own small games in Unity with C#, have taught me so much. Not only does it make it more fun to develop better programming skills, but I can make my own game! Which is soooo cool. Atleast if you love games, like I do.

Ethical hacking

It is fun to do CTFs! I most say that my skills as a hacker is not so good yet, but it is fun and a really good way to understand how system works. I have mostly been doing web application hacking, but of course, you practice whatever you find. It is truly a fun and challenging hobby to have, but hey! Atleast I am learning.